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As John Dewey said, “Education if not preparation for life; education is life itself.” We believe that children’s life experience should be the content that they explore in an educational setting. That is, learning experience that leads to deep understanding should be based on children’s interests, needs, and their everyday experience. In the classroom, we talk about family, school, and the whole community with kids; we let them to decided which topic we are going to discuss about and explore. We believe that children themselves are passionate investigators at the very beginning of their lives. We want to protect their curiosity and their ability to thrive through respect, support, and love.

There are many innate impulse in every little child – they like to play, to make and build, to express themselves artistically, to communicate, and so on. We advocate that children have the right to play, and LIFEDU is committed to lead children to learn through play.

We believe that every child is a unique individual, and has his or her own interests and learning styles. Each child has his or her own developmental trajectory, which should be recognized, respected and supported accordingly. Therefore, we are devoted to advancing differentiated instruction in early childhood educational settings in order to maximize every child’s potential.

Every child need a safe and supportive to thrive. Thus, we are not only children’s mentors but their friends who listen to and play with them. It is only when such a trust relationship is built that they are more willing to accept new challenges, try novel things, and get to know different people around them.

Parents are a child’s first teacher, and they are teachers’ collaborators as well. We encourage every parent to get engaged in their children’ learning activities. We embrace the funds of knowledge that every single family bring to the classroom; and we welcome parents to join our class and communicate with the teachers if they want to. We want parents to realize that teaching and learning is a wonderful collaborative project between children, teachers, and parents.